Welcome To Section 8
The Section 8 Waiting list is CLOSING to new applicants.
Terre Haute Housing Authority (THHA) is closing the wait list for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rent assistance program, commonly referred to as Section 8.
THHA will cease handing out HCV applications on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 4:00pm.
Persons with outstanding HCV applications must turn in their completed application by the time the wait list is officially closed on Friday, March 28, 2025 at 12:00pm.
When the determination has been made to reopen the HCV wait list, a public notice will be posted in the Tribune Star and on our Facebook page.
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
With over 900 vouchers, the Housing Choice Voucher Program provides decent, safe, affordable housing to low income families on the private market in Vigo County. The portion of rental assistance each family receives will vary based on family size, size of unit, and family income. The family pays 30% to 40% of their monthly adjusted gross income toward their portion of rent and utilities. The Terre Haute Housing Authority pays the difference directly to a private landlord.
A voucher holder can rent a unit from any owner willing to participate in the program. The unit must meet housing quality standards and be rent-reasonable for the market area. All units are inspected to ensure they are decent, safe and sanitary and do not endanger the safety of the families.
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a three-way partnership between the Terre Haute Housing Authority, the Family, and the Landlord. Each has the following responsibilities:
The Terre Haute Housing Authority:
Reviews all applications to determine whether an applicant is eligible for the program.
Explains the rules of the programs to all families who qualify.
Issues vouchers.
Approves the owner and unit.
Determines rent is reasonable for the market area.
Makes housing assistance payments (HAP) in a timely manner.
Provides families and owners with prompt professional service.
The Family:
Cooperates in attending all appointments required by the THHA.
Provides complete and accurate information .
Complies with the Housing Choice Voucher Family Obligations.
Chooses a unit that is suitable for them and qualifies for the program.
Takes responsibility for the care of unit and pays their portion of rent and utilities.
The Owner:
Screens families who apply to determine if they are good renters by conducting previous landlord references.
Collects rent and security deposits due from the tenant.
Maintains the dwelling unit in accordance with the Housing Quality Standards.
Enforces the lease.
Complies with all federal, state and local laws, and not discriminate against a family.
Complies with the terms of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract.